Ax barbed wire production machine

ProductType : machinery

Product Info

Ax barbed wire production machine - Golestan Pars Baft Machinery


Tabari barbed wire production machine is one of the most advanced and efficient machines in the market, which was designed and manufactured by Pars Baft Golestan Machinery Group. With its unique features, this machine has been able to gain a special place in the barbed wire production industry.

Product introduction :

Barbed wire production machine is one of the unique and quality products of Pars Baft Golestan Machinery Company. As the first designer and manufacturer of this product in the country, this device has been able to respond to the needs of the market in the best way by using modern technologies and engineering design.

Advantages of the device :

Easy to use:

The user-friendly design of this device makes it easy for operators to use with minimal training.

 Suitable weight:

With a weight of only 1.5 tons, this device can be easily moved and installed in workshops.

 PLC system and display screen:

Equipping the machine with a PLC system and a display screen enables precise control of the production process and helps operators to monitor the machine's performance easily.

 Three-phase and single-phase industrial electricity:

This device has the ability to work with both types of industrial electricity, which makes it suitable for use in all kinds of workshops


Speed ​​control driver:

This feature allows to adjust the production speed and helps to optimize the process.

 High production rate :

This machine has the ability to produce 150 kg of barbed wire per hour, which makes it an ideal option for large workshops.

Ability to adjust the output coil:

The possibility of adjusting the coil of barbed wire from 10 to 30 cm offers more flexibility in the production of different products.

Ethernet system:

This device is equipped with an Ethernet system for troubleshooting via Wi-Fi, which allows operators to quickly identify and fix possible problems.


And all the advantages, features and other technical details that you can get free advice from our communication bridges with our experts.

Contact our experts:
Please contact our experts for viewing and free consultation about the ax barbed wire production machine and our other products. We are ready to help you choose the best options and answer your questions.


The barbed wire production machine of Pars Baft Golestan Machinery Co., Ltd., with its unique features and advanced technology, is an excellent option for barbed wire producers in the country. Take a step towards a more successful future by trusting us!


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The most important points that the buyers of the ax barbed wire production machine should keep in mind when buying this product


The performance of wire industry machines is always influenced by the quality of the wire used for them. Therefore, if the buyers do not carry out proper research in the procurement of high-quality machines or are influenced by the low price of low-quality machines, they will face many problems in the beginning of the business. and their work fails, now one should know what points to pay attention to in choosing a suitable device:


  • Wire industry machines are tools used for weaving. These machines work correctly with very high precision, less than 0.1 mm.
  • To produce quality and acceptable products, the manufacturer of these machines must use modern production equipment as well as CNC machines in the production process. Otherwise, the final product may cause dissatisfaction to the buyer.
  • In the process of manufacturing machines, the experience of the manufacturer is very important. Also, the use of modern production equipment and CNC machines play an important role in improving the quality and accuracy of products.


  • Otherwise, the buyer may encounter ineffective and inappropriate products, which not only brings him dissatisfaction, but may also cause the loss of business opportunities.
  • Therefore, in choosing machinery for wire industry, one should pay attention to the technical aspects and experience of the manufacturer and consider modern and high-quality equipment .

  •  When buying machinery, we must pay attention to its compatibility with domestic raw materials. Also, research on the performance of the manufacturer's products is also important and can help in making the right choice. Only European manufacturers do not make quality machines and other factors should be taken into account.
  • Also, paying attention to the compatibility of the external device with the internal wire is a vital point. Research in the wire industry machinery industry shows that imported machines do not perform better than Iranian wire.
    This may be due to the non-uniformity of the country's domestic wire and the weakness in its annealing, which has a direct effect on the performance of foreign machines inside the country. The reason for the poor quality of domestic wire can be due to the non-adjustment and calibration of foreign machines with Iranian wire. However, Pars Baft company, with the experience of more than 2000 wire industry machines, has always tried to adapt to the quality of domestic wire, and the result of this effort is the outstanding performance of the machines with domestic wire in the country. This point actually caused us to stop importing this type of machines to the country.
  • When you think about buying wire industry machines, you should pay attention to a very important point. The presence of installation, training, and after-sales service is among the critical items in the process of purchasing the device.
    These items can only be provided by reputable and large companies, because they produce their machinery consumables in bulk using CNC machines and with their strong support team, they enable you to achieve your business goals. Since you are in the early stages of your business, choosing a great manufacturer will help you reach your goals quickly, while choosing a weak manufacturer, you may not reach your goals and face failure by purchasing his products.
  • By choosing a reliable manufacturer, you can buy a device for wire industry that guarantees easy use and quick training in working with it, and also consumes less electricity. These things will help you to get closer to your goals. Try to buy a machine for wire industries that produces the most amount of wire using the least amount of wire. In today's market, the cost price of the product is very important and buyers will be more attracted to your product if the cost price is more appropriate. As a result, in the competition with other competitors, you will be a brilliant winner. Pars Fabric company has been successful in consuming as little raw materials as possible and producing more circulation due to the special design in the aerodynamic form of the fabric mold of all its products. Up to 5% of production with Pars Baft machines is more cost-effective than all modern machines in the world, and this honor has been achieved only with a lot of experience and research and development.
  • Buying from companies that you can count on until the end of your business development and that have a set of standards required for complete products.
  • Pars Baft knowledge-based company uses global and international standards for its activities, for example, the standards of the member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which represents the International Organization for Standardization, are used.
    The ISO organization is formed by the representatives of national standardization institutions and works in the field of developing international standards.
    The goal of this organization is to integrate all the processes and routines of doing things according to the demands and legal conditions of all countries. Considering that Pars Baft company supports global and international standards, its activities and processes are at the level of national and international standards.
  • Possession of patent certificates that with innovation and creativity compared to previous examples in the whole world, you can be the right judge in choosing a company (knowledge base) to buy the machines you need.
  • To buy a machine that makes little noise and can be set up anywhere, as well as being completely mechanical and requiring little maintenance over many years, it is better to buy from a company with history and experience.
    These conditions are mostly provided by Pars Baft company, because it has been working in the field of machinery research and development for many years and has designed products with all the desired features.
    Also, the use of precise industrial tools in the construction of machines is also considered. Also, note that the device should not be of pneumatic or hydraulic type, because pneumatic systems are accompanied by a lot of noise and quickly go out of adjustment.
    These systems often represent cheap and low-quality machinery, as well as high energy consumption and maintenance costs. Therefore, tend to use mechanical systems.

With more than a decade of activity in the wire industry and the production of machinery, Danesh Banyan Pars Baft Golestan Company is definitely familiar with the problems and limitations of hydraulic systems.
Considering the importance of speed in the process of wire industry machinery, this company tends to use mechanical and electrical systems.

With continuous research and development and round-the-clock performance of its R&D team, Pars Buffet Company has been able to apply the latest and new standards of the world industry in the design and manufacture of its machinery.
The successful activities and establishment of more than 2000 industrial units inside and outside the country, including military and government projects, show the ability and experience of this company in producing special and quality machinery.

Due to their high quality and global acceptance, Pars Woven products are sent to international markets and are sold in countries such as Australia, Iraq, Oman, Georgia, Armenia, etc. These products are highly appreciated by global buyers.