Fully automatic stone paper production machine

ProductType : machinery

Product Info
Stone paper machine of Pars Baft knowledge base

Pars Baft Foundation Knowledge Group is the first designer and manufacturer of fully automatic stone paper production machine in the country, which succeeded in inventing and registering the patent certificate of this product.

By making this machine and stone paper technology, Pars Baft has succeeded in preserving the environment and national resources so that future generations can benefit from this great goal.

Have you ever heard about a device that can produce paper without cutting a branch from a tree or needing to consume a drop of water? A stone paper machine does just that

Traditional paper production, which relies on cutting down trees and using a lot of water, produces stone paper from limestone, a sustainable and sustainable resource. Limestone is abundant, non-toxic and found throughout the world. From this material to produce paper, it not only helps to reduce water and energy consumption

Stone paper machine or stone paper machine is an advanced technology that has revolutionized the paper industry.
It uses a specialized process that involves turning limestone into a fine powder, mixing it with resin, and then spreading the mixture onto sheets of paper. These sheets can then be used for various applications such as packaging, printing and even writing. One of the most important advantages of using this technology is reducing waste in nature. The stone paper machine can recycle waste paper and plastic and turn it into stone paper, providing a great solution to reduce landfills, with this we no longer worry about nature and the environment for future generations.

Pars Baft stone paper machine is also environmentally friendly and sustainable. In the production process, there is no need to consume water or cut a branch of the tree, and as a result, it produces a quality product that is a clean energy and an ideal solution for your work to start a business from the plan to support the environment. life Life creates this opportunity.In addition to sustainability and acceptance, stone paper is also much more durable than traditional paper. Tear resistance and can withstand hardness.پ

This makes it an excellent option for products that require strength and durability, such as labels, maps and packaging. Most of the uses of this product in the paper industry are cardboard and wall papers, it should be noted that In industries such as plastic, wood, etc., it is also used very effectively

All in all, the stone paper machine is an innovative and revolutionary technology that has the potential to change the paper, plastic and wood industry and is a great solution for an environment that seeks to destroy and destroy the environment, which is a very golden option. .

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