What is bed rebar?

Getting to know bed rebar products

The most damage caused to buildings during an earthquake includes damage to the walls and roofs of buildings. The cause of these damages was the lack of strength and resistance of the walls and roofs of the buildings.
Therefore, increasing the strength of walls and roofs of structures has always been one of the main goals of engineers and architects. One of the solutions to increase strength is to use bed rebar
The bed rebar product is a steel structure made of two parallel reinforcements 30 meters long. The length of the bed rebar can vary depending on the application. The bed rebar has a significant impact on the strength of the
building and its use greatly reduces the damage caused by earthquakes. In fact, bed rebar is one of the most important components of any earthquake-proof building
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What are the advantages of bed rebar?

You may be wondering how this relatively thin steel bar helps the strength of buildings? These rebars bring various advantages

1. Increasing tensile strength2. Prevention of cracking3. Improvement of bending resistance4. The second increase
What are the advantages of using bed rebar products?

If you've followed our article this far, you've probably learned about some of the key benefits of bed rebar. Here we describe 4 of the most important advantages of using bed rebar

1. Increasing the strength of the structure2. More durability3. Improvement of bearing capacity 
4. Load resistance against cracking5. Cost-effective in the long run

How is the implementation of the bed rebar?

It can be said that there are two ways to implement the bed rebar. In general, it will be vertical and horizontal.
Vertical method

In this method of implementing the bed rebar, the rebar will be placed vertically between the blocks or bricks of the wall to the ceiling.
In this case, in order to allow the reinforcement to move freely, the wall should not be extended to the ceiling. In this case, we will connect the wall to the roof by the gutter.
We will also fill the empty space produced with cement or concrete. The foundation of the implementation of the bed rebar vertically is the same
Horizontal method
In the method of implementing horizontal bed rebar, it is enough to place the bed reinforcement horizontally. Of course, it must be placed with certain distances between bricks or blocks and mortar. In this method, some points should be taken into consideration. 
The first point is that before the wall is built, the rebar must be connected horizontally to the structure. In order to install this fastener to the metal frame, special metal and gun nails should be used. It should also be connected to the four sides of the fastener by a welding machine

Great care must be taken when installing the bed rebar during the wall construction. At this time, the last twenty centimeters of the bed rebar should be bent ninety degrees so that they are directly attached to the structure.
The thing that should be observed is that the bed rebar should be placed in the corresponding row on the blocks. Likewise, mortar should be poured on them up to 1.5 cm. By observing these things, the procedure of implementing the bed rebar can be done correctly
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Bed rebars can significantly increase the resistance of your structure against earthquakes and other stresses. The safety of the structure is one of the most vital parts that you should pay attention to and do the relevant points with high precision.
You can discuss your questions regarding the purchase of the bed rebar machine with the consultants of the collection and to get more information with the experts of Pars Collection. Please contact Baft directly


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