Welding electrode production machine

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Welding electrode production machine
Introduction to welding electrode wire welding machine

Welding electrode wire machine is one of the vital equipment in the welding industry, which is used to produce a variety of general and specialized electrodes. This machine, using advanced technologies and precise engineering, is capable of producing high-quality electrodes with unique features. The electrode production process includes various steps such as wire drawing, coating, drying and packaging.

Pars Baft Golestan Machine Building Complex

Pars Baft Group, as the only manufacturer of welding electrode wire machine with a patent certificate in the country, has played an important role in the development and localization of this technology. This machine is completely designed and manufactured by the company's expert engineers and technicians, and all stages of its production are carried out domestically. This has not only helped reduce dependence on imports, but has also increased quality and reduced production costs.

Market and market security

The welding electrode wire welding machine produced by Pars Baft Group has been welcomed in domestic and foreign markets due to its high quality and unique capabilities. These machines are used in various industries including construction, automotive, oil and gas industries, and marine industries. The market security of these machines is guaranteed due to their high quality, suitable after-sales service, and competitive price.


Output product applications

Electrodes produced by the welding electrode welding wire machine are used in various types of welding. Due to their high technical and mechanical properties, these electrodes are used in large and sensitive projects such as the construction of bridges, tall buildings, ships and industrial equipment. Also, these electrodes are widely used in the oil and gas industries due to their high resistance to corrosion and heat.

Introducing Pars Baft Golestan Complex

Pars Baft Complex is one of the leading companies in the field of manufacturing wire industry machines and manufacturing various advanced machinery in the country. Relying on the knowledge and experience of its engineers and technicians, this complex has been able to produce high-quality and optimal performance machines. The main mission of this complex is to design and produce advanced and modern machines that can adapt to customer needs. Pars Baft Alvin Complex, using new and advanced technologies, has improved the efficiency and quality of its products and has been able to gain a special position in the domestic and foreign markets in competition with the best European models.


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